While the battle over Daylight Savings Time continues in many states (stop laughing at the rest of us, Arizona and Hawaii), most of us will be turning our clocks back this first weekend of November. Yes, that means it will soon be dark before the 5:00 news – but we do get that extra hour!
Um, no. Well, sort of. You see, it’s not a gift, it is actually a loan.
The note for that hour you borrow in November gets called in next March. The question is, are you earning interest on that hour, or are you paying it?
Time is the one commodity that we have that starts everyone off on a level playing field. We’re not all gifted a million dollars out of the starting gate; but all of us currently breathing get the same 24 hours – no more, no less – except this weekend, most of us in the US get a shot at hour 25.
You have an hour more to either spend, or invest up front this weekend. What can you do to come out ahead when that hour gets called back in March? What can you do to get further ahead on your goals, so that head start compounds over the next few months, and losing that hour doesn’t set you back?
Choose to invest that hour in whatever your priority may be – rest, exercise, meditation, helping others, reading, clearing your inbox – whatever it is, if you get an hour ahead on it, everything you do will compound between now and when that borrowed time must be repaid. You’ll be more than just one hour closer to your goals, earning interest on investing in yourself, rather than paying it to Father Time!