Are you seeking what you define as success? There’s a 99% chance you will never get there alone. You will need others to help you along the way.
If you’re just starting to chase your dream, having a support system cheering you on makes a huge difference! Building your confidence and competence, failing forward along the way, is not an easy journey. Sometimes you need to borrow the confidence of those around you to get through those challenging moments.
Thought partners and mentors can help you build and keep momentum along the way. As John Maxwell, Jack Welch and many other top leaders and succeeders would tell you, if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room! Seek out people who are already on a road you want to travel, or who have learned lessons you want to learn.
If you REALLY want to soar, surround yourself with others who love to fly! If you surround yourself with people who are where you want to be--the positive, successful connectors–your chances of reaching your goals and living your dreams goes way up!
As humans, we have a psychological tendency to “follow the crowd”, so here’s a brain-hack for you: choose the crowd to follow. Follow the ones who are flying, and eventually you’ll look down and realize you’re soaring!